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Monday, June 30, 2008

Todays article is about Sports Nutrition Books

Sports Nutrition Distributor

- Worldwide Sports Nutrition: Adding Up Pure Protein Drink Fruit Punch To Your Daily Diet

Contrary to the belief of many, including a glassful of pure protein drink fruit punch in your daily diet will make an athlete fat. It is wrong. Protein helps in adding more muscles to physically active people. Foods that turn into fat when not consumed are those that are rich in carbohydrates.

So if you have an active lifestyle (even if you are not an athlete) your body will greatly benefit with a glassful of pure protein Sports Nutrition Supplement drink fruit punch in the morning or during lunch. This is a practice in worldwide sports nutrition which you can integrate into your own personal diet and nutrition.

In the morning, your pure protein drink fruit punch may be added to two freshly squeezed orange juices and half a glass of water. To mix the powdered protein drink fruit punch with these ingredients, it is best to use a blender for that perfect fruit shake effect. You can add some crushed eyes while blending for a more refreshing morning drink.
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What is Sports Nutrition?

What is sports nutrition? The term is self-explanatory. Sport nutrition is simply nutrition recommended for individuals involved in sports, serious athletes. In order for an athlete to reach their optimal performance, it is recommended they consume certain types of foods and fluids in certain quantities.

Serious athletes require specific nutrients during training as well as during performance periods. For example, while an athlete is performing or competing, their body needs plenty of energy. Carbohydrate and protein intake is important to provide energy and also to maintain a healthy body weight, build and repair tissue, as well as replenish glycogen stores.

Fat intake is also important in sports nutrition, specifically essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. A sports nutrition diet should provide moderate amounts of fat.

Many athletes take vitamin and mineral supplements to help provide adequate energy. Nowadays even if an athlete follows a proper diet, consisting of recommended amounts of nutrients, there is still need to take supplements. The reason is the soils are so depleted that the foods that grow on these soils don't have the nutrients they used to have 50-60 years ago.

Some athletes aim to restrict their energy intake, follow strict weight-loss diets or decide to eliminate certain food groups from their diet. In these cases supplements are absolutely necessary to make up for the vitamins and minerals missing from their daily food intake.

In sports nutrition, fluids are definitely important. During exercise, fluids are naturally lost. In order to balance fluids in the body, an athlete should always drink plenty of liquids before, throughout and after a performance.

Many athletes drink sports drinks which provide electrolytes and in many cases carbohydrates. These ingredients help to fuel muscles, maintain blood glucose levels, quench thirst and prevent the athlete from becoming dehydrated.

Because nutrition and fitness are such hot topics in society today, including sports nutrition, there are hundreds of resources available to the individual. Organizations within the sports world are equipped to advise and support serious athletes regarding sports nutrition.

There is also sports nutrition software available for computers and palm devices to help an athlete monitor their nutrition and fitness practices. These software programs asses athlete's needs and based on these specific needs and goals create meal plans and meal suggestions.

Providing a convenient sports nutrition companion, a palm device is a great idea for serious athletes. Some of these programs can actually be obtained free of charge. Using a palm device to track and monitor a sports nutrition and fitness regime is convenient and quite beneficial. An athlete can quickly have access to their personal data when using a palm.

In the United States and all of North America, there are many serious, competitive athletes. Their goal through training and competing is to win. Following suggestions and recommendations for sports nutrition one can see these goals and dreams become a reality.

Ivan Nikolov, a top five natural bodybuilder, shares with you his experience and knowledge in meal planing, sports nutrition and training. To learn more visit his web site

For more on sports nutrition and meal planning visit his "Fitness Nutrition Advisor" page.
